(704) 333-2757
Saturday, August 11th at 2:30pm we will resume our Mixology Lab classes at Earl’s Grocery with a discussion about spicy cocktails! We will explore some super simple spicy recipes that include several different types of peppers. There has been a ton of interest expressed to me about cocktails with some heat in them and who better to pair with, then one of my favorite distilleries, North Carolina’s own award winning, Durham Distillery!. You ask for it, you got it!!
Due to the popularity of our Mixology classes the seating at Earl’s can get sparse. I would suggest getting there a little early with your friends, get a bite to eat and a beer so you can get a good spot and enjoy. I hope to see you all on Saturday.
For more information on Earl’s Grocery please visit their website: EARLSGROCERY.COM